Karthik Narayanan Mohan
IntroductionI graduated with a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Prior work and interestsI am broadly interested in bringing scalable ML solutions to concrete problems that address
pain points of customers/stake holders. Employment2009 - 2014 - Phd, EE, UW PublicationsFor a detailed list of publications, please refer to my google scholar profile. CodeI have recently started writing publicly some code blurbs for small pet projects. You can check some of the code here. Teaching/MentoringDuring my Phd, I have had the opportunity to mentor junior grad students and also TA many classes. I feel priviledged to be able to continue the mentoring through teaching Machine Learning courses internally at Amazon. I have designed and taught courses from scratch on Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning and Matrix Factorization and Dimensionality Reduction. On the mentoring front, I have got the opportunity to mentor many SDEs transitioning to the role of scientists and also a few fellow junior scientists. ContactYou can contact me at karthik dot iitm AT gmail Dot com |